There's An App For That


Probably the most commonly used tech term these days, an abbreviation for applications - the new meaning is constantly evolving, but the reality is our smart phones, digital notepads, laptops & home computers all have apps in common. Dwindling are the days of cumbersome setup files, apps are pre-programmed to work under all conditions specifically for each operating system, across all devices simultaneously.
Appification began with the launch of the Apple OS App Store in July of 2008, and now they're everywhere, the mobile & notepad style devices are dependent on apps, no keyboard necessary and the touchscreens virtual buttons are the standard. Apps do everything and are getting invented everyday to simplify our lives: Too many club cards? Your smart phone can now contain your member numbers for VONS, Rite-Aid, PETCO, etc using an app like Keyring. If social networking isn't invasive enough for you, check out the app BUMP which ties your vehicle license plate number to a profile for interaction with other drivers. I can listen to police scanners, stream live hi def video, listen to satellite radio and go beyond earth's atmosphere to find out the name of a particular constellation, all with a few taps & swipes. Apps are constructing the framework for our future, their simplicity (for both the user AND the programmer) is undeniably the information superhighway's fastest mode of transportation... now you just need to make a choice: Google's Android or an Apple iDevice?

Google Apps I use on a daily basis across ALL of my devices:



I've struggled with it over the past few years during it's evolution, but I've now grown to accept that Tweeting one of the fastest ways to transfer News. If I need to know anything I type it into the search and get the most up to date opinion on what is happening. Twitter is a free-form social networking and microblogging service. I maintain my account with three purposes:
#1 To Get Info - A few weeks back I was wondering what the scene was at a certain local music venue, and up to the moment "tweets" informed me that the show was coming to a close. So I was able to re-route my after work plans to something more sure and fulfilling.
#2 For fun - Really? Who the hell am I to think my cyberspace "followers" want to read these random rants? I guess I'm amused reading others tweets, so enjoy taking part in the abbreviated conversations that can only occur in 140 characters or less. We utilize a fun new language which incorporates #hash tags, (for adding additional context) @ symbols, (when appointing another user or companies profile) and Camel Casing. (StringingTogetherWordsIndicatingSpacesWithCaps)
#3 Advertising - Just like Facebook, companies AND individuals are taking advantage of these free mediums to publicize their product, service or publication. (Today's tweet might read "What is #Twitter anyway? Check #FYI #ShamelessSelfPlug")

Free PC Virus Protection

Revolutionary or Hype?

"Why do we pay for virus protection?" I wondered... the answer was simple, and a bit more real than I want to admit; I didn't know any better. Over the years we've been conditioned to be vigilant against malware, spyware, SPAMbots, all viruses that invade on personal time, and space. Norton was a standard purchase, along with installing AOL - America's most popular internet middleman (remember those CD mailers?) It seems Microsoft finally listened to our complaints, yet They continued to be manipulated by the multi-billion dollar PC protection industry until the release of Windows 10 and not inform us of the solutions that are almost apple-esk. In 2009 my laptop came with Trend-Micro's latest anti-virus program, when the "free trial" ran out most paid for another year or three. I researched hoping to find a hacked copy or stolen serial.. I've used anything and everything through the years to ensure my equipments safety and I finally found it: Microsoft Security Essentials, MS manufactured freeware for the masses! A quick install later and my machines have been safe - coupled with Windows Defender they've been just fine. I mean isn't healthy computing to every body's benefit? Windows 10 (2015) has it built into the OS, you don't even know it's there! Bravo Microsoft, you listened

To Pad, or Not To Pad

Revolutionary or Hype?

Christmas came and went this year and technology can barely keep up, Clunky towers are going away, laptops are the new standard and the cell phone carrier competition is cutthroat. So what is the next move? Growing BroadBand Wireless - AT&T seems to be getting left in the dust while Verizon, having taken over the reins for the iBeast, appears to have gained a foothold on this constantly evolving tech. AT&T jumped in bed with Microsoft pushing the new Windows phone (claiming a simpler mobile experince) that hasn't worked out, And Apple, the "Lewis & Clark" on our electronic frontier, continues to dazzle us with new ideas that the PC world repeatedly follows.
So what do I want...
(1) One bill for LTE. (or 5G, whichever is the fastest choice these days)
(2) One compact and portable blazing fast device that can do everything.
(3) Simplicity
My kids are playing games on the iPad. They turn it on, unlock the screen, run whichever app they recognize and learn from it! Amazing.
Seniors love it as well, claiming that their arthritis suffers when forced into using a mouse/keyboard combo, and the screen is easier to customize. The annual CES (Consumer Electronics Show) is a great place to keep up with these new toys, is this more technology than we can handle? The Information Super-Highway demands expansion, the inertnet isn't the wild west it once was, regulation has delivered increased speed and cheaper online storage. "Just put it in the cloud" has become an actual digital transfer solution.

Networking Guide

Guide Services

"For the times they are a-changin'" - Bob Dylan
Amazing that the one thing growing during these tough times is social networking. Leave it to a free online service to change the world, and the way we communicate. The process is always growing and improving. The cycle is never-ending. I've been there from the beginning, sharing my travels with the world while branding myself online. My guess for the future... phone numbers & email addresses will be too much, your name and pic will be the only confirmation needed when sending a message in a few years... if that. Voice recognition and transcription is here, and will soon be part of everyday life. Is reality catching up with our imaginations? We're living during exciting times, the blending of technology and social interaction is running through all aspects of our lives. It's now or never, this revolution waits for no one. I'm not afraid.

Surrender to the Flow

Ocean Wave of Tech

It's a little overwhelming, life that is. Add in constantly evolving tech on a worldwide platform and it's damn near incomprehensible. Just think for a few seconds, how does a mobile phone work? The enormity of how much goes into allowing video-chat's from Mount Everest's Base Camp is overwhelming. The first time I heard the word "Google" I laughed, it sounded funny. At the time I considered myself an internet master and knew I could find everything I needed utilizing AOL & Yahoo. It took about a week for me to ask around and figure out this "Google" was utilizing all of the popular search engines including some I'd only heard of. Now 13 years later, it's still the only place I go for answers. I half-jokingly consider myself one of Google's many "bitches" since now my phone, schedule, and every other tool I use to keep life's progress going is tied in to the internet giant.. eh-hem, dare I say Dictator? So far they are reliable, apparently responsible, and as of recent years heavily policed by the government which makes me hopeful that I haven't signed up with the wrong team. F the privacy paranoia, if they want it they'll take it. Even iPhone users, Apples "bitches", resign to the fact that Google IS the the most powerful force driving the internet today. Steve Jobs may be leading the pack in super-fast state-of-the-art futuristic fancy touch-screen everything, but Google is the information super hero so enormous they're easily able to transcend the "Big 2" (Microsoft & Mac) and create an arena where we thought only Japan or some other more disciplined nation would be able to duke it out.

Do It Yourself

New Camera

One reason digital cameras became popular was their ability to work with any computer. Seems pretty simple to me, buy the camera and plug it into your computer... voila! You can now look at your pics using they viewer of your choice while they're still on your cam OR you can drag them off to the destination (folder) of your choosing. What the beginner usually does first is an understandable rookie mistake, and I wish I there was a way I could teach the world not to fall into this corporate trap. They read the manual provided by the cameras manufacturer and as instructed insert the provided disk into their machine. That disk then proceeds to take control of every piece of media stored on your camera, hard drive & removable storage. Now your stuck using that companies software to manage your files, Unless you know how to un-link those file types from that application. A COMPUTER IS ALREADY A FILE MANAGER. Really, you don't need anything else, all you've just done is opened yourself & your devices up to outside influences. "My printer just tried to sell me paper." Yeah, this happens, once you've gotten just a little comfortable managing your recently acquired digital photography skills you of course try to print them out, why not? The next thing that happens is marketing genius, the "program" will recommend special photo paper from one of their associated companies. See where I'm going here? Most likely once you've printed a few out your ink will run low and the printers manufacturer (most likely in bed with the same people that told you to put that disk into your machine) will then try to sell you ink. There's nothing I can do but try to help, one innocent at a time.


Living the Dream
(Must Be Logged In)


Janauary 11, 2011

"Instant Dharma"

November 12, 2010

127 Defining Moments Contest

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Outside Online &

FOX Searchlight Pictures

"Sight Doesn't Always Require Visibility"

August 18, 2010

"Mountain Do"

August 3, 2010

"The Finest Walk in the World"


  There's An App For That


  Free PC Virus Protection

  To Pad or Not To Pad

  Networking Guide

  Surrender to the Flow

  Do It Yourself